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发布时间:2014-09-17     来源:美国留学


 一、普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)



Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences that was particularly meaningfulto you. (About 150 words)



Please tell us how you have spent the last two summers (or vacations between school years), including any jobs you have held.(About 150 words)



Using one of the themes below as a starting point,write about aperson, event, or experience that helped you define one of your values or insome way changed how you approach the world. Please do not repeat,in full or inpart, the essay you wrote for the Common Application.



Tell us about a person who has influencedyou in a significant way.


Omar Wasow 教授在普林斯顿大学的演讲。

“One of the great challenges of our time isthat the disparities we face today have more complex causes and point lessstraight forwardly to solutions.” Omar Wasow, Assistant Professor, Politics;Founder, This quote is taken from Professor Wasow's January2014 speech at the Martin Luther King Day celebration at Princeton University.



“Princeton in the Nation’s Service” was thetitle of a speech given by Woodrow Wilson on the 150th anniversary of theUniversity.It became the unofficial Princeton motto and was expanded for theUniversity's 250th anniversary to “Princeton in the nation’s service and in theservice of all nations.” Woodrow Wilson, Princeton Class of 1879, served on thefaculty and was Princeton's president from 1902–1910.



“Culture is what presents us with the kindsof valuable things that can fill a life. And insofar as we can recognize thevaluein those things and make them part of our lives, our lives aremeaningful.” Gideon Rosen, Stuart Professor of Philosophy, chair of the Councilof the Humanities and director of the Program in Humanistic Studies, PrincetonUniversity.



Using a favorite quotation from an essay orbook you have read in the last three years as a starting point, tell us aboutan event or experience that helped you define one of your values or changed howyou approach the world. Please write the quotation, title and author atthebeginning of your essay.


二、哈佛大学(Harvard University)



Unusual circumstances in your life.



Travel or living experiences in othercountries.



What you would want your future collegeroommate to know about you?



An intellectual experience (course,project,book, discussion, paper, poetry, or research topic in engineering,mathematics,science or other modes of inquiry) that has meant the most to you.



How you hope to use your college education?


三、耶鲁大学(Yale University)



What in particular about Yale has influenced your decision to apply?



What excites you intellectually, really?



Think about a disappointment you haveexperienced. What was your response?



Suite-style living - four to six studentssharing a set of rooms - may be an integral part of your Yale Collegeexperience. What would you contribute to the dynamic of your suite?



What do you wish you were better at beingor doing?


四、哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)



What single activity listed in the activitysection of your Common Application are you most proud of and why? (150 words orless)



Please tell us what you find most appealingabout Columbia and why. (300 words or less)


五、斯坦福大学(Stanford University)



Stanford students possess an intellectualvitality. Reflect on an idea or experience that has been important to yourintellectual development. (100 to 250 words)



Virtually all of Stanford's undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate -- and us -- know you better. (100 to 250words)


六、杜克大学(Duke University)



Duke University seeks a talented, engagedstudentbody that embodies the wide range of human experience; we believe thatthe diversity of our students makes our community stronger. If you'd like toshare a perspective you bring or experiences you've had to help us understandyou better-perhaps related to a community you belong to, your sexualorientation orgender identity, or your family or cultural background-weencourage you to doso. Real people are reading your application, and we want todo our best tounderst and and appreciate the real people applying to Duke. (250word limit)


七、宾夕法尼亚大学(Universityof Pennsylvania)



The Admissions Committee would like to learn why you are a good fit for your undergraduate school choice (College of Arts and Sciences, School of Nursing, The Wharton School, or Penn Engineering).Please tell us about specific academic, service, and/or research opportunities at the University of Pennsylvania that resonate with your background,interests, and goals. (400-650 words)


八、加州理工学院(California Institute Of Technology)



Members of the Caltech community live,learn, and work within an Honor System with one simple guideline; 'No membershall take unfair advantage of any other member of the Caltech community.'While seemingly simple, questions of ethics, honesty and integrity aresometimes puzzling. Share a difficult situation that has challenged you. Whatwas your response,and how did you arrive at a solution? (200 word max)



Caltech students have long been known fortheir quirky sense of humor, whether it be through planning creative pranks,building elaborate party sets, or even the year-long preparation that goes intoourannual Ditch Day. Please describe an unusual way in which you have fun.(200word max)



In an increasingly global andinterdependent society, there is a need for diversity in thought, background,and experiencein science, technology, engineering and mathematics. How do yousee yourself contributing to the diversity of Caltech's community? (200 wordmax)



Scientific exploration clearly excites you.Beyond our 3:1 student-to-faculty ratio and our intense focus on researchopportunities, how do you believe Caltech will best fuel your intellectualcuriosity and help you meet your goals? (500 word max)


九、达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)



Every name tells a story: Tell us aboutyour name--any name: first, middle, last, nickname--and its origin.



Tell us about an intellectual experience,either directly related to your schoolwork or not, that you found particularlymeaningful.



When you meet someone for the first time,what do you want them to know about you, but generally don’t tell them?



Describe the influence your hero has had onyour life.


十、约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)



Johns Hopkins University was founded in1876 on a spirit of exploration and discovery. As a result, students can pursueamulti-dimensional undergraduate experience both in and outside oftheclassroom. Given the opportunities at Hopkins, please discuss your currentinterests—academic or extracurricular pursuits, personal passions,summerexperiences, etc.—and how you will build upon them here. (300-500Wordlimit)


十一、西北大学(Northwestern University)



Northwestern Statement: What are the unique qualities of Northwestern - and of the specific undergraduate school to which you are applying - that make you want to attend the University? In what ways do you hope to take advantage of the qualities you have identified? (300 word maximum)


十二、布朗大学(Brown University)



We all exist within communities or groupsof various sizes, origins, and purposes; pick one and tell us why it isimportantto you, and how it has shaped you. (150 word limit)


十三、康奈尔大学(Cornell University)



How have your interests and relatedexperiences influenced the major you have selected in the College ofAgriculture and Life Sciences? (Please limit your response to 650 words.)


十四、莱斯大学(Rice University)



With the understanding that the choice ofacademic school you indicated is not binding, explain why you are applying tothat particular school of study. (150 word limit)



How did you first learn about RiceUniversity and what motivated you to apply? (250 word limit)


根据莱斯大学长久以来的传统“The Box”,请分享吸引你的一张图片。
